The Best 8 Yoga Poses For A Flat Stomach

Yoga Poses For A Flat Stomach
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Many of us want to reduce belly fat, but unhealthy lifestyle choices, bad eating habits, not working out regularly, age, and genetics make achieving a desirable flat stomach a difficult task. However, yoga for weight loss works as wonders especially when it comes to flattening your stomach and toning your abdominal muscles.

Here is the best yoga for weight loss to reduce your tummy, burn calories and make your muscles flexible.

The top eight yoga for beginners to achieve a flat stomach.

Yoga poses not only reduce your belly fat but also help to channel your energy in the right direction. These yoga poses reduce stress, anxiety and help you to get a better hold of your body, mind, and emotions.

Here is a list of a few weight loss yoga at home and to start a healthy lifestyle.

1. Tadasana

Tadasana, or the mountain pose, is a warm-up exercise to perform the other yoga poses. Besides reducing belly fat, this also helps in improving your blood circulation and activating your core muscles.

To perform Tadasana, all you have to do is stand straight on your feet. Keep your spine erect and your hands on both sides of your body. Inhale and lift your body on your toes, face towards the ceiling, and hands in an upward direction. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Bring your feet back to the floor and repeat the asana at least 10 times.

If you have low blood pressure, insomnia, or a headache, then only perform the basic version. Do not look in an upward direction or try variations. 

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2. Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is the union of 12 yoga positions which help in reducing your belly fat and is effective for your overall body. It includes forward and backward bends, breathing techniques, and dog pose, which helps in detoxifying your body. Performing Surya Namaskar regularly will help you infuse positive energy into your body.

Menstruating women try to avoid performing Surya Namaskar. If you are pregnant, perform Surya Namaskar only after consulting your doctor. People who are suffering from spinal problems, high blood pressure, or cardiovascular diseases should not attempt this pose. There are many affordable yoga retreats in India that help you with the Surya namaskar practice under the expert yoga teachers. 

3. Naukasana

Naukasana, as the name suggests, boat pose is one of the most effective yoga poses for weight loss and a flatter belly. This exercise helps in contracting your abdominal muscles as you pose in a boat position.

To perform Naukasana, lie down on your yoga mat; stretch your legs, toes, and palms. Lift your head, chest, and legs; stretch out your arms parallel with your legs. Now, stay in this position for at least 30 to 60 seconds.

Initially, try to repeat this asana at least five times, and then you can gradually increase the repetition and timing depending on your capabilities.

If you are suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems, diarrhoea, headache, or insomnia, do not perform this pose. Menstruating and pregnant women must not perform this exercise. 

4. Ustarasana

Ustarasana is performed after Naukasana to reduce the tension on your belly muscles. Ustarasana will help to release tension from your belly muscles and have a good stretch. All you have to do is lift your body from your knees and now keep your heels perpendicular with the ground.

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Arch your back and bring your hands behind your body and try to hold ankles using your hands. Tilt your head, look in an upward direction and feel the stretch in your belly. Try to hold this pose for 20 to 30 seconds and then, you can simultaneously increase the timings depending upon your capabilities.

If you are suffering from heart related problems, lower back, or neck injury, or high blood pressure, do not perform this pose. Individuals were suffering from migraine or insomnia should not perform the exercise. 

5. Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana yoga pose is also effective in strengthening your back muscles and reduce back pain apart from flattening your stomach.

All you have to do this lie down in the mat with your chest facing down, legs at a distance from each other and toes touching the floor.

Now, keep your hands on the side of your body. Bring your palm beneath the shoulder and lift your head and chest in an upward direction. Keep your buttocks firm. Stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds and breathe normally. Increase the repetitions and timings according to your capability.

Do not over do the exercise bend backward only till you experience the stretch on your abdomen, thigh and back. People who are suffering from back injury or carpal tunnel syndrome and pregnant women should not perform the exercise. 

6. Dhanurasana

If you are looking for a yoga exercise which helps in toning your tummy area then, dhanurasana is ideal. It offers your great stretch to your abdomen, back, thigh arm and chest.

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All you have to do is lie on the mat keeping your chest in upward direction, legs together, and hands on the side of your body. Now, lift your head and bend backward and try to hold the ankles with your hands and lift your knees higher. Stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds, and try to do at least 10 repetitions.

If you are suffering from high blood pressure, hernia, lower back on neck pain or injury, try to avoid this exercise.

7. Kumbhasana

Kumbhasana or plank pose helps in strengthening your core muscles and reduce belly. This exercise burns your belly fat and tones your muscles.

Lie down on the mat and face downward. Lift your body upward by straightening your arms. Now, try to balance on your toes and keep the face in a forward direction. Try to stay in this position as long as you can.

8. Shavasana

After performing all these yogic exercises your body needs some relaxation. So, performing shavasana or the Corpus pose at the end of your yoga is quite helpful.

Lie in supine position, put your feet together, and stretch out. Let your hands relax. Close your eyes and breathe normally.

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